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Free Blog Resources

These resources will be useful to any content creator, site manager, blogger, or writer. This page will expand as I incorporate suggestions from you, the reader.

Google Trends

Google Trends is a tool that is used in the analysis of trending searches and keywords on Google.  Google Trends is useful for identifying seasonal, local, and other search trends with a break-down of where these searches are coming from. An important tool in the arsenal of any blogger or content manager.

free blogger tools

Blog Ideas Generator

The Blog Ideas Generator helps those who are stuck with creating consistent topics and posts on their blog or website. Enter a few nouns and this site will generate one week of ideas.

free tools for bloggers


A slideshow presentation can do wonders for spreading content across the internet. Slideshare is a great way to import content to LinkedIn and creates a lot more engagement than a typical written post.  Visual aids are especially helpful when complex topics are being discussed.


Visual planners will love this free tool. Bubbl is a brainstorming application that is free to use and can even be trialled without registration or sign-up.

As an example, I have made a basic brainstorm for a new blog site.

free blogger tools

Google Analytics And Google Search Console 

Both of these free web-based applications provide a huge amount of data for any type of writer or content manager of a website. I have paired them because they work very well together as a way to analyze a site, basic SEO, and traffic performance.

Google Analytics provides real-time date for your website or blog, allowing content creators to see where their traffic is coming from and the behaviour of their site visitors.  Google Analytics may seem daunting for first time users, but the Google Academy (100% FREE) allows a rookie to become qualified in Google Analytics in a couple of online sessions.  
free tools for bloggers

The Google Search Console will help to optimize site performance, crawl your web pages, see who is linking to your content, and much more. According to Google, "Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site shine in Google Search results".

free resources for bloggers
An example of Google Search Console in Action

Please comment below if you have any useful resources and I will add them to this page


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