Estimated Read Time: 3 Minutes 36 Seconds
“The relationship between journalists and sources has been linked to a tug-of-war where each is trying to manage the other to his or her own advantage” (Tully, 2008: 23).
In order to produce a news story, journalists must rely on a source for information and clarity of the story. Otherwise, the news story would become non-objective, unclear and opinionated, which is what journalists try to avoid.
Journalists should select sources that will give the most appropriate information to them and therefore provide relevant information to frame a story around. Manning (2001), claims that “news media are usually regarded as a playing an important part in maintaining the flow of ideas and information upon which choices are made” (2001: 133). Manning also claims that “the less powerful are significantly disadvantaged to secure access to the media” (2001: 134). This causes problems due to the elite within society having the majority of the access to convey their opinion.
Journalists should ensure that all opinions are conveyed within the story so citizens can make informed decisions within the public discourse so therefore a journalist should try and select appropriate sources.
Appropriate Sources
In order to select an appropriate source, journalists must have certain criteria that the source must adhere to which will ensure a credible story. Gans (1979) has supplied a list of considerations a journalist should follow when selecting a source. This list includes; the past suitability of the source (i.e. was the source’s take on events worth reporting?), the productivity of the source (can filming and/or interview be finished within the deadline?), reliability of the source, the trustworthiness of the source, the authoritativeness of the source (is the source a leader in his/her field?) and the articulateness of the source (can the source be trusted to give a clear, concise interview?) (Gans 1979 pp 245-247).
Stepping outside these considerations may lead the journalist to report a story that is offensive, problematic for the news organization or even potentially career-ending for a journalist. Source selection is exceedingly important when researching a story.
Selection of sources should also adhere to what the journalist wants to report in their story; Tully (2008) claims “the relationship (between sources and journalists) is often symbiotic and mutually beneficial” (2008: 101). This means that the story will benefit both the journalist and the source.
How Do Sources Influence Media Content?
In the tug-of-war relationship that is the source and journalist alliance, sources “have a considerable advantage over the journalist” (Tully: 2008: 102).
Sources can influence news content through dispensing certain information while withholding other information, offering exclusives or scoops to a journalist, leaking important information, imposing information embargoes, controlling media access to an event, giving preferred treatment to journalists or organizations (the same way a journalist picks sources) and offering freebies or junkets (Tully 2008: 103).
Fishman contends that the world is “bureaucratically organized for journalists” (1999 [1980]: 106), declaring a reliance on bureaucratic institutions or leaders as their main source of information. Additionally, Fishman claims that using these institutions as sources are built into the daily routine of journalism due to the stability and consistency of these types of sources.
Due to the demands of the corporate news market, journalists must find information that is worthwhile and has some degree of interest to the general public, not to mention within a specific timeline defined by the newsroom. Fishman also argues that bureaucratic institutions are a “fountain of information” (1999 [1980]: 108) and journalists know that there will be vast information within these institutions. This practice essentially shows that the public is being fed what an elitist, power figure or institution has to say regarding a situation. Consequently, this type of media reflects a centralized and power-based, social ideology within the final news product.
Further Reading:
Ericson, R. Baranek, P & Chan, J. (1989). Negotiating Control: A Study of News Sources.
Fishman, M. (1980). Manufacturing the News.
Gans, Herbert J. (1979). Sources and Journalists.
Hall, S. (1978). Policing the Crisis.
Manning, P. (2001) ‘Why Worry About the Sources of News’
Martinson, D. (2006). The Media, the War and Truth.
Tully, J. (2008). Journalists and Sources.
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